When you’re ready to get started, firstly complete the enquiry form. From there I’ll be in touch with a link to book in a free clarity call to make sure we’re the right fit. Once we’ve had a chat about your business and goals, I’ll send you a custom proposal based on your requirements. You can accept and sign the contract online and will be directed to pay your deposit (card payments accepted). Once this is paid and signed, we’ll get started!

Here's some important things
you might be wondering about...


Q: OK I'm ready to book, what do i do?

Q: I just want a logo, is this possible?

A successful and strategic brand is so much more than just a single logo mark – it’s part of a bigger picture that speaks to your potential clients/customers. I am passionate about creating elevated brands that truly reflect the central ideals of a business, so I don’t offer logo design as a stand alone solution. I understand branding is a big investment but I can assure you, it will be worth it.

Q: what is your creative process for a brand identity?

The first step in the branding process is to take a deeper dive into your brand strategy. I have a brand discovery questionnaire which will help us set the intentions for your brand, your messaging and the deliverables. Once completed you’ll be sent the final brief with all the information received to date, which I’ll get you to check and approve. Next I’ll dive into research to ensure you are uniquely positioned in the market – this includes research into competitors, peers and aspirational brand leaders. Once I’m armed with research and the brand strategy, I’ll develop a brand strategy board for your approval. After extensive conceptual development and experimentation I’ll prepare a brand presentation which will include 1 design concept, brand colours, brand fonts and sample application. This presentation is supplied with a detailed written rationale and presentation document. A Brand Guidelines document will be provided which outlines the standards and specifications for correct application of your brand. A comprehensive suite of brand files will also be supplied at this time. If printing or production is required, I will provide you with quotes, time frames and finished art files at this point.

By all means, I’d be open to seeing your idea, but there may be a big chance that I’ll go in a different direction.


Q: can you present more than one concept?

My work involves an in-depth, multifaceted process, where many elements are combined to ensure beautifully strategic results. This includes strategy, research, concept, layout and rationale. To present multiple concepts for my clients, I’d be splitting my energy between multiple solutions every time, producing several watered-down versions of the desired result. Instead, my process is to produce one laser-focused solution which perfectly reflects your brief and objectives. I present the best solution based on the brief. I am absolutely confident that my professional process will create an outstanding concept that will blow you away.

Please be reassured that my professional process is comprehensive, and delves deep to create a solution that honours your brief and accurately reflects your objectives. The process we’ll undertake together is a collaborative one and will ensure your thoughts and needs are carefully considered every step of the way.

Q: what if i don't like what you create?

As a small business owner, I really appreciate the importance of maintaining cash flow and carefully considering expenses for your business. High-end branding is a substantial investment and excellence with design does take time. I don’t discount my services but I can adjust the scope of a project and offer customised payment plans to suit your situation. If price is your main deciding factor, please contact hello@studiorivet.com.au to explore options together.

Q: It’s more than I thought and I’m not sure that I can afford it right now. Do you offer flexible payment options?

The typical timeframe is approximately 4-5 weeks for a brand identity and 8 weeks for a brand identity plus website.


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